
The Association Novel Optical Materials and Applications (ANOMA) is a No-profit Cultural Association that does not carry out business activities and, on the basis of the collection of membership fees, contributions and donations, organizes only non-commercial, scientific dissemination activities related to investigation and development of novel optical materials and their applications.

The “NOMA Meeting” represents one of the main scientific dissemination activities of ANOMA. Its participation fee, which includes welcome cocktail, conference gala dinner, end-of-meeting banquet and all conference materials, is therefore waived for ANOMA Members.

People interested in participating in a NOMA Meeting are suggested to become members of ANOMA by paying a non-refundable membership fee through which they are also allowed to present no more than two papers (oral and/or poster) at the Meeting.

The ANOMA membership starts immediately after that the payment of the fee is received and processed.

ANOMA is registered with the Direct Tax Office (Ufficio delle Imposte Dirette) but does not have a VAT ID (which is required only if any type of commercial activity is conducted, DPR 633/72 art 1 and 5). As such, ANOMA is allowed to issue a receipt of payment of the membership fee that, according to the laws in force, is exempt from stamp duty (Article 7, table B, comma 16 of DPR 642/72 as amended by Presidential Decree No 55 of December 30, 1982).

ANOMA 1-year Regular Membership (6/1/2025 - 5/31/2026)


NOMA 2025 Invited speaker

€ 600,00 € 400,00 € 150,00


ANOMA 1-year Full*  Membership (6/1/2025 - 5/31/2026)


NOMA 2025 Invited speaker

€ 700,00 € 480,00 € 230,00

*The ANOMA “Full membership” includes a contribution for the organization of a Cultural Trip during the course of the NOMA Meeting.


People who cannot (or do not want to) subscribe a 1-year membership to ANOMA (and participate in NOMA 2025 for free) can in any case participate in the Meeting by paying a registration fee. In this case, however, they cannot benefit from the contribution paid by ANOMA for the organization of the Meeting.

NOMA 2025 Registration fee

Participant Invited speaker


ANOMA Member
€ 960,00 € 800,00 € 350,00 waived


The Membership and Registration forms will be available soon