Cetraro, Italy; June 4 – 10, 2023 

Membership Association Fee

Deadline: April 30th 2023

Abstract Submission

Extended Deadline: April 30th 2023

Hotel Reservation

Deadline: April 30th 2023


Deadline: April 30th 2023


Download here the detailed Program

Book Of Abstracts

Download here the Book of Abstracts

List of Partecipant

Download here the List of partecipant

News: Best Poster Award

This year, NOMA 2023 Meeting will feature the introduction of the "Best Poster Award". An allowance of 500,00 € to the "First Author" will acknowledge the most interesting POSTER, as determined by our esteemed panel of judges.

Cultural Trip

Wed. June 7th: Cultural trip to Morano Calabro and Civita


7.30: departure from Grand Hotel San Michele, Cetraro.

8.45: Arrival in Morano Calabro. To welcome us, a cascade of houses clinging to the hill, with the ancient Medieval castle at the top. The visit begins right from the fortress and then continues to the village, and to the Collegiate of the Magdalene. Conclusion with an aperitif in the village.

12.30: Transfer to Civita.

13.00: arrival in Civita and lunch in a typical restaurant of the Albanian tradition.

15.15: guided tour of Civita, an Albanian village counted among the most beautiful in Italy.

18,15: Departure from Civita

19.30: arrival in GHSM.

Advisory Scientific Commette

T. Bunning


F. Capasso

Harvard Univ. USA

C. Denz

Nat. Metrology Inst.  Germany

S. Fainman

Univ. California USA

C. Flytzanis

ENS France

M. Kauranen

Tampere Univ. Finland

I. C. Khoo

Penn State Univ. USA

B. Kippelen

Georgia Tech. USA

F. Omenetto

Tufts Univ. USA

D. Psaltis

EPFL Switzerland

F. Simoni

Univ. Pol. Marche Italy

V. Shalaev

Purdue Univ., USA

G. Strangi


N. Tabiryan

Beam Co. USA

C. Umeton

Univ. Calabria Italy

Local Organizing Committee

R. Caputo

Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, 87036 Rende (CS) - Italy

A. De Luca

Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, 87036 Rende (CS) - Italy

G. Cipparrone

Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, 87036 Rende (CS) - Italy

A. Ferraro

Istituto di Nanotecnologia - CNR-Nanotec, 87036 Rende (CS) - Italy

Sponsors & Cooperating Societies

AFOSR, Air Force Office of Scientific Research- supports the workshop with the grant FA8655-23-1-7028
ANOMA, Association for Novel Optical Materials and Applications
BEAM, Engineering for Advanced Measurements Co.
CNR-Nanotec, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Nanotecnologia
OPTICA, Formerly OSA - Optical Society of America
Pubbliturco, Laboratorio Pubblicitario
SICL, Società Italiana Cristalli Liquidi
SIF, Società Italiana di Fisica
SIOF, Società Italiana di Ottica e Fotonica
TOP Class, Tour Operator
UNICAL, Dipartimento di Fisica - Università della Calabria